次に,リールにはSHIMANOの「SLX DC XT 71HG」を選びました。このリールは,DCブレーキシステムを搭載しているため,バックラッシュを抑えつつも,軽量ルアーからビッグベイトまで幅広く対応できるテクニカルバーサタイルモデルです。実際に使ってみると,飛距離の性能やブレーキ設定の安定感が印象的で,特に風の強い日でも安定して投げることができました。スプールの軽量化も大きなポイントで,狭い場所へのキャストもしやすく,狙ったポイントにしっかりルアーを届けられました。また,巻き感も滑らかで,巻き上げ時のパワーもあり,実用性が高いと感じました。
"LIZINC -利刃-" is a metal jig designed for freshwater fishing. It is made with low-density zinc material to enhance its action and fluttering fall. The unique asymmetrical design of the body and the built-in swivel eye reduce line twist. It has a compact silhouette and high responsiveness, making it a bite-inducing metal jig. It is effective for cold-water bass fishing during the winter season. It is designed to produce small and fast movements to entice the bass to bite. It is great for shore fishing in low water conditions and for boat fishing along submerged structures. The different sizes available allow for matching the bait size. The price ranges from ¥792 to ¥957.
FRESH WATER > PRODUCTS > LURE > METAL JIG > cosajiThe cosaji is a metal jig lure designed to have a moderate resistance in the water, allowing for a natural and enticing movement. Its body shape creates enough resistance to feel the lure's movement without requiring complicated manipulation, making it user-friendly for anyone. The lure sparkles and flashes as it moves, attracting the attention of various fish. The hook points always face upwards, reducing the risk of snagging. There are three sizes available to choose from, suitable for baitfish, specific targets, and different tackle setups. The cosaji can be used to target not only black bass but also various freshwater fish, such as bluegill, carp, and gudgeon. The packaging design aims for a stylish and easily recognizable appearance. The cosaji was inspired by the classic spoon lure shape, which continues to be effective in catching fish. Its simple design allows for various techniques, including lift and fall in deep waters. It is an item that beginners, women, and children can use with ease and is perfect for those who want to catch fish. There are additional colors available to choose from. The cosaji is priced at ¥770, including tax.
SLX DC XTは、軽量ルアーからビッグベイトまでカバーするテクニカルバーサタイルモデルであり、I-DC5ユニットを搭載しています。カルカッタコンクエストDCで評価の高いI-DC5ユニットは、遠投性能と対バックラッシュ性能に優れており、風などの気象条件にも強い特性を持っています。スプールには超極薄のマグナムライトスプールⅢを採用し、低慣性によるクイックな回転の立ち上がりを実現しています。駆動中枢にはマイクロモジュールギアが配置され、滑らかかつパワフルな巻き上げが可能です。SLX DC XTは、軽量ルアーを扱いやすくする対応力や飛距離アップが期待できる性能を備えており、バーサタイルな使い方に最適なリールとなっています。