Megabass has finally unveiled the long-awaited "Makinotane," a secret bait used by the Makippa family. This bait combines a flared head with a silicone rubber tail, creating a unique appeal that attracts fish like squid, octopus, and ragworm. Its simplicity makes it easy for anyone to use - just cast and reel in while occasionally pausing. The Makinotane's ability to scout the target area and hit the desired depth is what makes it so effective. Reeling in more for mid-depth feeders and less for bottom feeders keeps the bait close to the bottom and captures the attention of any fish nearby. This simple cast-and-drop action makes saltwater game fishing much more accessible. The target fish range from flounder to seabass, and more. The Makinotane is available in different weights, with prices ranging from ¥900 to ¥1,000.
METAL-X FLAT GLIDER is a specialized jig that offers strong wobbling action during retrieval and flashing appeal during lift & fall. It has excellent responsiveness and can effectively attract fish even in strong currents and waves. The rearward center of gravity ensures stable flight posture and increased castability, making it suitable for use in various wind conditions. The jig is designed for targeting Halibut and Magochi. It is available in different weights and color variations. The price ranges from ¥850 to ¥890. The product is currently in the prototype stage.